I have had a couple of conversations lately regarding crystals working at protecting us from the Electromagnetic Fields (EMF's). What came to light was how hard working these crystals are and how my normal video helped them a bit but didn't fully clear them. One lovely person had their piece of Fluoride that they use for the EMF's with them and not only did I get to work on the crystal she also videoed it for me so that it could help other crystals.
By keeping the
crystals clear they can work at their optimum and I haven't yet come across a crystal that didn't wish to be cleared. Let me know how you get on with the video and if you have a
crystal that requires additional assistance please get in touch.
Today is about the new way forward, the new way for all whether they believe themselves to be enlightened or not …all are ….some are awakening from a long and deep slumber others have heard the call in the past and answered it in various stages of participation.
There is no separation only in your minds …awaken your heart and feel the connection to all that is …feel your wings …the expansion …. The joy of creation …joy of who you truly are and rejoice in being here at this time.
Take a breath and feel your lungs expand and be part of the rhythm of life…go into the flow of that energy and feel the connection to all that is.
Awaken to the essence of who you truly are